Saturday, April 28, 2012

Best foods for Babies: Breast Milk: Fruits: Vegetables: Proteins

by bnsridhar

A baby grows very fast. It will be three times its birth weight in one year. Proper nutrition is essential to aid such a fast growth.  The nutrition of the baby should include sufficient quantities of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals are also essential for proper growth.

                                     Wikimedia Commons: Pospiech
Breast Milk

Breast milk is extremely important for the first six months of a baby’s life. Feed only breast milk for the first four months. It is easily digestible and provides all the nutrients required for the baby’s growth. It provides protection to the baby against infections. Breast milk contains lactose which is a milk sugar. It also contains the other important nutrients like fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals.  

After feeding the baby for four months on breast milk, you can start to feed solid foods. Start off of soft cooked solid foods like cooked cereals. Rice is highly recommended as it is least likely to cause allergies. Oatmeal and barley also serve as excellent food. Sweet or mashed potatoes help to provide carbohydrates.

Vegetables and Fruits

Soft fruits and vegetables are not only easy for the baby to digest but also provide minerals and vitamins that are necessary. As the baby will not have developed teeth at six months bananas mashed with a fork can be fed. Pears, peaches and cooked apples can also be mashed and fed as they are soft and can be easily digested by the baby. Green peas, grated carrots, broccoli and cauliflower are also quite suitable for the baby.


Proteins are extremely important for the growth of the baby as it helps to develop strong muscles and body tissues. Vitamin B12, amino acids and iron are provided by cooked pureed meats of lamb, chicken and turkey. Eggs are highly recommended as they are highly nutritious. Boiled, scrambled or mashed egg can be fed to the baby. Cottage cheese is very easy for the baby to eat. It provides calcium and proteins.


Avoid feeding highly sweetened or salted food. Also avoid popcorn, sausage and raw carrot till the baby is one year old as they have the chances of choking.  Ensure that the baby gets nutrition from a wide variety of foods.  

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